Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mary Kay® Products

Between now and the congress, Lenora Everett (Savanah Community) will donate her profits from Mary Kay orders placed by OCDS members or communities. That's 50% of the retail cost. Your cost is retail plus 7% tax and $9.95 shipping for any number of items sent to a single address. So, you might want to group orders by community. E-mail Lenora item names and quantities desired, including "OCDS MK order" in the subject line and she'll send you an e-mail with line item and order totals. Please mail a copy of that e-mail to back to her with a name and community, shipping address, and check. Products include Skin Care, Makeup, Body and Sun, Fragrances, Men's and Gifts. Feel free to order for friends and family, too. To see the choices, go to to view the current online Mary Kay eCatalog. You can click on links to browse online, view products, how-to videos, etc. Contact: Lenora Everett, Savannah OCDS, 105 W Back St, Savannah, GA 31419,, 912-441-1452